Thursday, June 5, 2008

A Walk Alone !!!!!

Have you ever walked alone on a summer day when the winds blow with all their force?? These windy days, the trees bowing to its might, the isolated streets , the bright sun shining above and a silence all around...!! It creates many mixed feelings like when u feel when u are in Love....

First is a peaceful feel, as if I was one with the world, a reassuring feel, the silence is reassuring.. As I slowly begin to smile to myself with this peace in ur heart, a heaviness grows, I slowly realise the mightiness of nature and how little I am and how nondescript I am. What I am in this enormous world,nothing but a speck of dust , insignificant and small.

It also brings with it an emptiness, the loneliness of living.. Whatever emotions that come along, whatever relationships that seem to be very close are nothing but an illusion. It brings to fact the harsh reality of life that we are alone, lonely travellers..... We seem to know everything but cant help being troubled by attachments ..... The truth of life that we actually live alone....

As the winds rush past, it awakens the need for someone very close, someone who lives for us alone, though it is an impractical desire. It brings happiness, pain and peace at the same time.... It also raises the void in life.......!!

Do u all feel the same way as I do? ????


Dr GS said...

I would love to share time with you on this walk alone ...

Everyone is walking their life alone ...

The one who walks with his/her feet on the ground is happier than the one who finds him/herself attached to it. Got it ?

Anitha said...
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Anitha said...

Yes, I do feel the same way sandu...but I also agree with the comment above.....